Hip Activation & Hip Mobility is critical if you Run, walk, jump or squat. Your hips are doing most of the work – Activate the Psoas, Glutes, Hip Flexors
Hip Activation – Psoas, Glutes, Flexors

Hip Activation & Hip Mobility is critical if you Run, walk, jump or squat. Your hips are doing most of the work – Activate the Psoas, Glutes, Hip Flexors
Neck Pains, Cervical Spondylosis, Short Neck – 10 Cervical Stabilization Exercises for the Deep Neck Flexors, Erector Spinae, Shoulder Blade Retractors
Avoid Hip Surgery – Poor Hip Mobility can lead to a lot of Aches & Pains. Here are some Hip Mobility exercises to help you in Hip Mobilization. Leg Raises, Gluteal Bridge, Hip Hinge
Hand Rehabilitation and Regaining Hand Movement after a Stroke needs expert care and Support over a medium to long term. Post Stroke Rehabilitation requires Neuroplasticity, Muscle Control, Reducing Spasticity in addition to a consistent commitment.
The Painkiller and Analgesics are only part of the the solution. Read about getting rid of that pain using some super foods like Fiber, Antioxidants & Omega 3 Fatts
Gut Bacteria may turn out to be the most essential in your fight against Covid & other Infections. Your Immunity is heavily linked to your Gut Health. Stomach Upset, Skin Rashes, Weight Fluctuations. Add Probiotics