Get Rid of that Back Pain & Neck Stiffness with these Spine Rotations

Work From Home Exercises for Neck Stiffness, Pain Relief, Back Pain. Go through these 6 Activities to help you manage your Work from Home Commitments

Fight Dehydration, Loss of Appetite & Fatigue

Covid Recovery Nutrition Tips to Fight Dehydration, Loss of Appetite and Fatigue by Madhoo Salunkhe . Covid Eating has to be understood by all for faster recovery from Covid.

Get back to being Active – Monitor 3 Exercise Parameters

Covid 19 Complications have to be Understood before you Start Exercise

Post Covid Exercise has to be under supervision of an expert. Covid Recovery is different for everyone. Dr. Neha Gidwani gives you important tips to take care of when you consider to start Exercises.

Covid Recovery – Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Covid Recovery – Deep Vein Thrombosis, or DVT, is caused by a blood clot in a deep vein in the lower limbs. There is a significant increase in DVT cases amongst patients recovering from Covid 19.

Covid Recovery – 6 Minute Walk Test

Learn about the 6 Minute Walk Test for Covid Impact Assessment and Covid Recovery. For a person who has recovered after quarantining at home, there may be symptoms that are long lasting and damaging.

Post Covid Recovery – Chest Expansion Breathing

Thoracic Expansion Exercises for Covid Recovery

Post Covid Recovery requires Thoracic mobility and Breathing exercises along with conventional chest physiotherapy. These methods have been widely demonstrated to increase chest expansion and increase the pulmonary functions of a patient with COPD complications