The Painkiller and Analgesics are only part of the the solution. Read about getting rid of that pain using some super foods like Fiber, Antioxidants & Omega 3 Fatts
Treat The Pain, Get Off the Painkiller

Masters in Sports Nutrition & Clinical Nutrition
The Painkiller and Analgesics are only part of the the solution. Read about getting rid of that pain using some super foods like Fiber, Antioxidants & Omega 3 Fatts
Gut Bacteria may turn out to be the most essential in your fight against Covid & other Infections. Your Immunity is heavily linked to your Gut Health. Stomach Upset, Skin Rashes, Weight Fluctuations. Add Probiotics
Covid Recovery Nutrition Tips to Fight Dehydration, Loss of Appetite and Fatigue by Madhoo Salunkhe . Covid Eating has to be understood by all for faster recovery from Covid.
Covid Recovery Diet & Covid Home Quarantine Diet – 14 Day Diet Plan and Diet Chart. Know what to eat and in what quantity.
Protein & Nutrition needs vary with age and gender. Learn how to structure your diet to the get the best out of every meal.
In addition to bringing unpredictability in the climate, seasonal changes bring a host of health problems too. Eating according to the seasons is what nature demands.